Retrieving Installation Information

This guide will walk you through the process of accessing various details, including the name, serial number, power rating, safety instructions, and any additional remarks related to the installations and its maintenance. This tutorial aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of how to retrieve product information using the FGO Plus webservice. It covers the following key topics:

Before diving into the tutorial, ensure that you have the necessary credentials and access to the FGO Plus webservice. Familiarize yourself with the authentication process, as mentioned in the documentation page on Authentication.

It is also helpful to have a basic understanding of web services and how they function. This will enable you to follow along with the tutorial more effectively. For an example of how to configure Postman, see User Data Retrieval

And last but not least: have a look at the Swagger documentation available at

Querying Products

The first step in retrieving product information from the FGO Plus webservice is to search the catalog using specific product names or properties (Type, Brand, model etc).

Please ensure that you include the mandatory parameters in your requests to effectively search and retrieve the desired product information. Some of the query parameters have been omitted in this tutorial, check the Swagger for an extensive list.

Request Headers
  • Accept – Response to accept, eg. application/json

  • Authorization – Access token provided by IDP

Query Parameters
  • SearchString(Required) Represents the search term or keyword you want to use to filter the products. For a complete list without any filtering, use the value *

  • Size(Required) The number of results you want to retrieve per page

  • From – The offset from which the results should begin. It is used for navigating through the paginated results.

Example request

We are searching for products with the term “boiler,” requesting 10 results per page, and starting from the first result (offset 0).

GET /api/v1/Fgo/Product/Search?SearchString=boiler&Size=10&From=0 HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <INSERT ACCESS TOKEN>

Example response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

    "items": [
            "publish": true,
            "id": 38610,
            "shortDescription": "Documentation Boiler",
            "manufacturerGln": "123456789",
            "manufacturerName": "Fluxility",
            "productCode": "12345678",
            "gtin": "987654321",
            "brand": "Fluxility",
            "model": "X-class",
            "version": "FLX-100",
            "category": "CV-toestellen",
            "etimClass": {
                "code": "EC010231",
                "description": "Boiler Direct Gestookt"
            "status": {
                "code": "94E",
                "description": "Uitlopend"
            "changeDate": "2023-06-07T12:00:00.000+00:00",
            "startDate": "1989-03-06T00:00:00+00:00",
            "isDeleted": false,
            "isDummy": true,
            "hasImage": true,
            "recordCreateDate": "1989-03-06T00:00:00+00:00"
    "took": 20,
    "total": 1

The response is a JSON object with a property ‘total’. The property ‘took’ is the time it took and can be ignored. The property items is an array of search results. We list the most relevant properties.


The human readable (en bekend in martk) name of the product


The Manufacturer


The Brand


The Model


The Version


Identifier; ID within the FGO Database


Identifier; ID within the Manufacturers own systems


Identifier of the manufacturer. Combination of manufacturerGln and productCode is unique


Identifier; Global Trade Item Number


The classification of the product using ETIM

Retrieving available filters and their options

In addition to free-text searching, the FGO Plus webservice also provides the capability to filter results based on specific properties. This feature, known as faceted search, allows you to refine your search results further based on various criteria. Before you can filter the product search, we have to retrieve the list of available options.

Request Headers
  • Accept – Response to accept, eg. application/json

  • Authorization – Access token provided by IDP

Query Parameters
  • SearchString(Required) Represents the search term or keyword you want to use to filter the products. For a complete list without any filtering, use the value *

Example request

GET /api/v1/Fgo/Product/Filters?SearchString=* HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <INSERT ACCESS TOKEN>

Example response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

        "code": "Brand",
        "portCode": 0,
        "values": [
                "active": false,
                "code": "Some brand",
                "count": 122
                "active": false,
                "code": "Some other brand",
                "count": 132
        "code": "Category",
        "portCode": 0,
        "values": [
                "active": false,
                "code": "CV-toestellen",
                "count": 3841
                "active": false,
                "code": "Warmtepompen",
                "count": 3121
                "active": false,
                "code": "Zon-PV",
                "count": 524

The response is a list of available filters. In the case Brand and Category. For each of these filters the Top 20 options are listed including the number of results in case this option is applied. Should you require all options, then you should use the FiltersForField-endpoint.


The name of the filter


The name of the filter option


The number of search replies in case this filter option is applied

Apply the filters to product query

After retrieving the filters, you can proceed with querying products and incorporating filter options. The filters are constructed using an array of filter objects, following the format described below:

Filters = Array<{
    Code: string;
    Values: [{
        Code: string;

In the above structure, the Code at the root-level represents the name of the filter obtained from the /Filters/ endpoint. The Values field is an array of objects, each containing a single property called Code, which represents the name of the FilterOption obtained from the /filters/ endpoint. This array determines the selected filter options.

To convert the above object into a GET query, use the following format:


Let’s consider a real-life example. Suppose you only want to query elements from the ‘CV-Toestellen’ and ‘Warmtepompen’ categories. In that case, your filter object would be constructed as follows:

Filters = [{
    Code: 'Category',
    Values: [
        { Code: 'CV-toestellen' },
        { Code: 'Warmtepompen' },

This translates into the following GET query:

Request Headers
  • Accept – Response to accept, eg. application/json

  • Authorization – Access token provided by IDP

Query Parameters
  • SearchString(Required) Represents the search term or keyword you want to use to filter the products. For a complete list without any filtering, use the value *

  • Filters – The filter string as described above

  • Size(Required) The number of results you want to retrieve per page

  • From – The offset from which the results should begin. It is used for navigating through the paginated results.

Example request

GET /api/v1/Fgo/Product/Search?SearchString=*&Size=10&Filters[0].Code=Category&Filters[0].Values[0].Code=CV-toestellen&Filters[0].Values[1].Code=Warmtepompen HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <INSERT ACCESS TOKEN>

Example response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

    "items": [
            "publish": true,
            "id": 38610,
            "shortDescription": "Documentation Boiler",
            "manufacturerGln": "123456789",
            "manufacturerName": "Fluxility",
            "productCode": "12345678",
            "gtin": "987654321",
            "brand": "Fluxility",
            "model": "X-class",
            "version": "FLX-100",
            "category": "CV-toestellen",
            "etimClass": {
                "code": "EC010231",
                "description": "Boiler Direct Gestookt"
            "status": {
                "code": "94E",
                "description": "Uitlopend"
            "changeDate": "2023-06-07T12:00:00.000+00:00",
            "startDate": "1989-03-06T00:00:00+00:00",
            "isDeleted": false,
            "isDummy": true,
            "hasImage": true,
            "recordCreateDate": "1989-03-06T00:00:00+00:00"
    "took": 20,
    "total": 1

Retrieve full product

The search results only provide a limited amount of information about products. To obtain more detailed information, you need to query the specific product using either the FGO product ID (referred to as the id field in the search results) or a combination of the manufacturer’s GLN code and the manufacturer’s product code (referred to as the manufacturerGln and productId fields in the search results). Both methods will yield the same response.

Request Headers
  • Accept – Response to accept, eg. application/json

  • Authorization – Access token provided by IDP

Example request using only FGO ID

GET /api/v1/Fgo/Product/1234 HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <INSERT ACCESS TOKEN>

Example request using only tuple of Manufacturer GLN and product id

GET /api/v1/Fgo/Product/{manufacturerGln}/{productId} HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <INSERT ACCESS TOKEN>

The response contains comprehensive information about the requested product. In this tutorial, we will cover a few specific items


This is a list of features based on ETIM feature codes :code: The ETIM feature code. :description: The human-readable value of this ETIM feature :logicalValue: Present if feature is a boolean field :numericValue: Present if feature is a numeric value


A list of documents attached to this product :location: The URI to download the document/image (not URL encoded!). :title: The title of the document.


A list of available checklists for this product


Known fault codes associated this device